P ico USB Image 4

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PicoUSB: Raspberry Pi (Pico) RP2040 powered Bad USB (Rubber Ducky). PicoUSB: Raspberry Pi (Pico) RP2040 powered Bad USB (Rubber Ducky).

A Bad USB is a small device that looks like a regular USB stick but is programmed to perform automated tasks on a computer when plugged in, such as typing commands or opening websites. It's often used for testing security systems (hacking) or educational purposes (pranking).

A Bad USB is a small device that looks like a regular USB stick but is programmed to perform automated tasks on a computer when plugged in, such as typing commands or opening websites. It's often used for testing security systems (hacking) or educational purposes (pranking). Image 1 Scroll down

When inserted in a PC, it acts as a keyboard, a mouse or volume control knobs, or all of these together, all in one device.

When inserted in a PC, it acts as a keyboard, a mouse or volume control knobs, or all of these together, all in one device. Image 3

Here are some advantages of it:

Here are some advantages of it:

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